Can You Dehydrate Cilantro?

Can You Dehydrate Cilantro?

Cilantro is Chinese parsley that looks a lot like parsley but isn’t. Unlike the typical parsley, cilantro has a lemon flavor that many people may like or hate. As a herb, preserving it is incredibly simple, but many people often get the process wrong. The most common method used for storing this herb is freezing. With this method, the leaves of your herbs can last for five to ten days.

If you want your cilantro to last longer than the average time, the easiest way to store it is to dry it. When dehydrated, cilantro can last for up to three years without damage. 

The process of drying cilantro is simple. You can either dry the cilantro in an oven, air-dry it. You can also use a dehydrator to seep out the moisture from the plant. 

Although drying works quite well to store cilantro, freezing cilantro is an even better option. When they’re not properly dried, cilantro leaves can lose their flavor and color. With freezing, you can preserve your cilantro completely – color and flavor intact.

Does Cilantro Make You Sleepy?

Sometimes, we find ourselves awake in the night when others are sleeping. Not getting the right amount of sleep can cause the body to breakdown, but having a remedy to your sleepless nights can be refreshing. Food researchers believe that cilantro can be a remedy for sleepless nights. But is this true?

Absolutely! Cilantro can help you sleep. Furthermore, it does not have any neurological side effects. It also calms the nerves and relieves anxiety. This, in turn, will make you feel relaxed and sleep better. 

When taken, this herb has a sedative effect that that is quite similar to Valium and Diazepam. However, the anti-anxiety effects of cilantro will only suffice if taken in large amounts. 

Is Cilantro Good For The Skin?

Decades of research have shown that cilantro is an effective treatment for skin-related problems like acne, wrinkles, and oily skin. 

Cilantro is rich in vitamin A which fights against free radicals, thereby preventing aging symptoms like loose skin, pigmentation, and wrinkles. When left on the face, cilantro can absorb the oil and leave it smooth. It has anti-oxidant properties that can clear the skin. The most popular among them is vitamin C, which helps maintain smooth skin and clear acne and blackheads. 

Is Cilantro Good For Fighting Diabetes?

The parts of cilantro, such as the leaves, stem, and seed, have numerous health benefits and are typically recommended in naturopathy and other similar fields. 

Interestingly, cilantro is popularly known as the “Anti-diabetic plant?” This is because it plays a leading role in reducing and controlling blood sugar and fighting against diabetics. It also increases insulin sensitivity and improves triglycerides (natural fats). 

A recent study suggested that taking about 200mg of cilantro herbs can significantly improve the beta cells in the pancreas, which secret insulin. Another study notes that regularly taking cilantro leaves can boost liver functioning and balance the blood sugar level. Many individual researchers also believe that with regular intake, cilantro could be the sort-out remedy for diabetics. 

Can You Eat Cilantro Stem?

Cilantro stem is that part of the green-herb, which many people cut off because they feel it does not have any health benefit. But have you ever asked that important question on if you can eat the cilantro stem? Every part of the plant has its effect and can be used in various ways. The leave, for instance, can be chewed either raw or cooked. This also applies to the cilantro stem.

Cilantro stems are edible as they are tender and tasty. You can either eat them raw or cooked. Also, you can dry the stem, ground them and use them as aromatic herbs. Before eating them, chop the stem with the leaves and add it to your dishes or recipe. 

It is better to eat it raw than cooked because of its use as a garnish or dressing for food. If you are going to cook your stem, make sure to heat it rather than cook. Overcooking the stem may diminish or reduce its flavor and texture. 

Final Thoughts

  • Drying your cilantro is an excellent way to make it last longer, and unlike fresh cilantro that lasts not more than seven days, dried cilantro can last up to three years.
  • You can dry the cilantro plant with either an air-dryer, microwave, or a dehydrator. 
  • The most common way to store cilantro is by freezing. However, make sure not to pack a bunch of the herb in a freezer bag, as doing so will make it turn to pulp. Instead, soak the leaves in olive oil, pack them in small quantities in a freezer bag and freeze. 
  • Cilantro can help you sleep longer with its anti-anxiety and sedative effects.
  • Cilantro helps to solve beauty-related problems like wrinkles, oily skin, and acne or blackhead. 
  • Cilantro stem can be eaten either raw or cooked. If you are to cook them, make sure not to leave them on the heat for long. Doing so will reduce its flavor and texture.