Persimmons are edible fruits that grow on different trees in the genus Diospyros. They range in different colors when ripe: light yellow-orange to dark red-orange. The fruit has different sizes and shapes; small and large, some are rounded, and others have a pumpkin shape.
Persimmon originated from China over 2000 years ago, but other countries are currently growing it. The fruit is delicious and has a flavor that tastes like honey. There are two types of persimmon, Hachiya and Fuyu; both are healthy and sweet.
Can you eat persimmon skin? Yes, the skin is edible and contains flavonoids, which can lower your heart disease and improve your mental health. The Fuyu persimmon is small, softer, and juicier and bakers sometimes add it in cakes and jams.
Are Persimmon Skins Good For You?
Yes. The skin contains antioxidants that your body requires to prevent the risk of diseases. The skin is high in fiber, which is essential in digestion and helps to manage your weight. You should try not to peel off the skin as it is also good for your heart.
Persimmon seeds are also easily digestible, just like berries. The fruit causes no allergy, which makes them an ideal choice to add to your diet. One persimmon a day can help keep heart disease away from you.
What is the Nutritional Value of Persimmon Fruit?
Whether you choose to eat the whole persimmon or peel off the skin, it’s still delicious and healthy. Persimmons have a high concentration of nutrients that are good for you. The skin is rich in antioxidants that help to protect your body cells from free radicals damage.
One persimmon (168 grams) per serving contains:
- 118 calories
- 31 grams of carbohydrates
- 1 gram of protein
- 0.3 grams of fat
- 6 grams of fiber
- 55% of the RDI for Vitamin A
- 22% of the RDI for Vitamin C
- 6% of the RDI for vitamin E
- 5% of the RDI for vitamin K
- 8% of the RDI for vitamin B6(pyridoxine)
- 8% of the RDI for potassium
- 9% of the RDI for copper
- 30% of the RDI FOR manganese.
Persimmon fruits are high in fiber, low calories, and rich in magnesium, folate, phosphorous, and thiamin. Eating one persimmon fruit will provide you with the recommended contents of vitamin A which is good for your immune system and eye health.
What are the Benefits of Persimmon Fruits?
The choice is always yours whether to peel off the skin or to eat it. The fruit is a good source of nutrients and vitamins that help your body to function. Persimmons contain antioxidants that help to minimize the risk of some diseases.
They contain beta-carotene that reduces the risk of heart diseases, colorectal cancer, metabolic diseases, and lung cancer. Persimmons also are rich in dietary fiber, which reduces the risk of developing type 2- diabetes.
Persimmons fruits are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which can help you fight inflammation as it lowers the risk of diseases like diabetes and heart diseases. In fact, eating one permission a day gives you the recommended vitamins. So, the next time you go shopping for your groceries, ensure to buy some persimmons fruits.
The fruit contains dietary fiber, which will help lower your excess cholesterol. You will be free from the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. The fiber contents will reduce your blood sugar levels and keep your bowel movement regular. You’re also likely to eat less and stay full longer, which is excellent in weight management.
Persimmons contain vitamin A which is good in maintaining your eye health. They contain carotenoid antioxidants, which help in healthy vision. This will reduce the risk of eye diseases, which may cause a loss of vision. It’s, therefore, suitable to add fruits that are high in fiber to your diet.
What are the benefits of persimmon fruits? Adding the fruit to your diet will help support healthy vision, weight management, and heart disease risk, fight inflammation and keep your body in proper function and health.
How Can You Add Persimmon Fruit to Your Diet?
You can easily add persimmon fruits to your diet as a snack with or without the skin, or inclusion into your recipes. You can improve your salad’s flavor by slicing persimmon fruit and adding them to your baking recipes like cakes and bread.
In addition, you can also drizzle honey to persimmons and roast in your oven to make desserts or top up your cereals and yogurts, which adds sweetness. Finally, you can never go wrong with frozen persimmons with your favorite smoothies.
Ensure that you wash the persimmons first before consuming them to remove dirt and germs. You can also refrigerate ripe persimmons for a few weeks to retain the freshness.
Final Thoughts
- Persimmon is edible fruits that grow on different trees in the genus Diospyros. They have different colors, sizes, and shapes. There are two types of persimmons, Fuyu and Hachiya. You can eat persimmon skin; it’s edible and contains flavonoids.
- Persimmons fruits are delicious and contain nutrients that are good for your health. They are rich in minerals, dietary fiber, and the recommended vitamins. The skin contains antioxidants that are critical for your body.
- Persimmons are good for you. They are easily digestible, like berries. The fiber can help manage your weight, improve your digestive system and help prevent diseases.
- Adding persimmons to your diet has a range of health benefits. They contain fiber, which helps to lower your cholesterol level and reduce your risks of heart diseases. The fruit can also aid in weight loss and helps to keep your digestive system healthy. Persimmons also help to fight inflammation and improve your vision health.
- You can easily add persimmons to your diet. You can eat it as a snack or in other recipes. You can slice the fruit to your salads, smoothies, cakes, and bread, in yogurt and desserts.
- Adding persimmons to your diet is an excellent choice that you should try. The fruit has a natural sweetness, just like honey which you can use for other recipes.