Can You Eat Pineapple Skin?

Can You Eat Pineapple Skin?

Pineapples are fruits that have existed for centuries and bred for their sweetness. The modern hybrid varieties are sweet, juicy and have long shelf lives. Pineapples are used to prepare fruit salads, make snacks like pizza, cakes juices and even fermented. 

But while you enjoy your pineapple piece, do you wonder whether you can eat the skin? The outer part with thorns and a thick texture? 

And the simple answer is, yes. You can eat pineapple skin. It contains nutrients that will boost your well-being. The only thing you need to do is apply caution so that the thorns do not hurt you. 

Is Pineapple Skin Poisonous?

The whole pineapple fruit is not poisonous. However, unripe thorns, leaves and flesh can have toxic effects. This is because of the bromelain enzyme, which also is the element that helps to tenderize meat. 

When the pineapple isn’t well ripened, the bromelain enzyme contributes to tenderness and swelling around the mouth. The thorns can also irritate your skin. 

If you get the sap from the pineapple’s unripe skin, you will experience some pain and a burning sensation on the tongue, lips and skin. This sap can also itch your skin. 

It may also result in excessive menstrual bleeding, vomiting, throat irritation and diarrhea in some people. If taken in large quantities, it can cause fiber balls in the digestive tract. These are side effects you can avoid by eating skin sap from ready and ripe pineapples. 

If you get any of these negative effects, you should stop eating pineapple skin or any other pineapple part. If it’s your skin, wash the place with water and soap. 

In most situations, these effects will clear on their own after a few hours. However, if the skin irritation persists for a long time, contact your physician.

Does Pineapple Skin Have Interactions with Medication? 

Research by the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that the bromelain enzyme can have an interaction with drugs, resulting in mild to severe side effects. 

So, does pineapple skin have effects with medication? Yes. The bromelain enzyme can counter-effect the effectiveness of blood thinners, some antibiotics, sedatives, and anticonvulsants. As such, you need to consult your physician before taking pineapple skin or even fruit. 

Enzyme bromelain can also have some side effects on some herbal preparations and alcohol. That is why you should take in moderate amounts. 

What are the Health Benefits of Eating Pineapple Skin?

Pineapple skin has a tone of benefits. 

It can act as a digestive aid, immune booster, pain reliever, reduce blood clotting and promote fertility. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties and can keep diseases at bay. 

Pineapple peels are heavy in fiber which improves digestion, fights internal parasites, reduces IBS symptoms and relieve constipation. Its elements are also key in the building of healthy gut flora.

The powerful enzyme in pineapple skin helps reduce inflammation in the body. It has vitamin C that further helps fight infections such as sinuses, colds and reducing swelling after surgery or injury. It will also suppress coughs, fight bacteria, ensure faster healing of wounds and reduce mucus flow in flu.

If you’ve been struggling with recurring pain such as joint pain, make pineapple peels part of your diet. They will do the magic of relieving pain. 

You can also enjoy better vision with pineapple peels, thanks to beta carotene and vitamin C prevalent in the skin. These elements also help fight degenerative eye diseases like glaucoma. 

Women love pineapple peels for their reproductive health. It is known to reduce any inflammation in the womb and create a conducive environment for implantation and growth of the embryo. With increased and better blood flow, it can enhance fertility. 

Are Pineapple Peels Good for Your Oral Health?

Pineapple peels will also give you better oral health. Besides fighting diseases in the tissues and gums, manganese assists in strengthening and repairing teeth and bones. And vitamin C and astringent properties keep your gums healthy and clean. 

Therefore as you eat pineapple peels, you are helping your gums grow and function optimally. 

How Can You Eat Pineapple Peels?

Clearly, pineapple peels are healthy, and you should include them as part of your regular and healthy diet. 

But what ways can you use to eat pineapple skin and attain maximum health benefits? 

Wash the fruit thoroughly with running water before chopping. This will keep off any pathogens present the skin. You can brew tea or blend into juice, whichever method you choose, you’ll enjoy your drink.  

Make juice. In this method, you take the skin, add some water. You should not add anything to it. Boil the peels, allow them to cool and put the mixture in the blender. Next, sieve, put the juice in a glass and allow to refrigerate.

Make tea. Place the skin in a saucepan, add ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon sticks and cloves. Add a sufficient amount of water and allow it to brew for 15 minutes on low fire. Turn off the gas, and let the mixture to simmer for another 15 minutes. You can add a sweetener of your choice, like honey and serve hot or cold. 

Final Thoughts 

  • You can eat pineapple skin. It should even be part of your healthy diet. 
  • Pineapple peels are neither poisonous nor toxic. But when the fruit isn’t ripe, they can present some side effects like burning sensation on the tongue, lips and throats. 
  • Pineapple skin sap can have interactions with drugs such as sedatives, antibiotics and others. Consult with your doc.
  • Pineapple peels benefit your eyes, women’s reproductive health, teeth and bones and can act as a natural pain reliever. 
  • You can eat your pineapple peels by preparing tea or juice. Just make sure you’ve washed the fruit thoroughly before cutting.