Can You Eat Shrimp Tails?

Can You Eat Shrimp Tails?

Shrimps are small shellfish that people have been consuming for centuries. They are decapods crustaceans with elongated bodies, and their legs are thin and fragile. You will likely find shrimp in shallow and deep waters, and some love freshwater lakes. There are different shrimps species, but the common ones are pink, white, brown, and red, and once you cook them, they turn pink or red.

Shrimps are delicious and rich in nutrients that your body requires. You can order shrimps from a restaurant or prepare them from home. There are different ways that you can cook shrimps; boil, steam, bake, or fry them. Whatever you choose to do, you will never go wrong trying this nutritious meal.

Can you eat shrimp tails? Yes. Shrimp tails are edible. They contain calcium and are low in calories. When the tail is deep-fried, it’s crispy and delicious, and you can use it as a handle as you enjoy eating the shrimp.

Are Shrimp Tails Bad For You?

No. Shrimp are good food that you should include in your meals. However, they cause allergy reaction for some people that might need to avoid them from their diet. Such people may experience itchy skin, swelling of lips and tongue, digestive issues, and shortness of breath that could be severe and require medical attention.

Undercooked and raw shrimps may also contain bacteria, parasites, and viruses, which can cause food poisoning. You should therefore ensure that your shrimp is well cooked. 

What is the Nutritional Value of Shrimp Tails?

Shrimp tails are low in calories and rich in proteins. They also contain nutrients and minerals that help to play different roles in your body. They are rich in selenium, chorine, zinc, and vitamin B12 that make them good food to add to your diet.

A 3-ounce (85 gram) serving of shrimp contains the following:

  • 84 Calories
  • 18 grams of proteins
  • 48% of the RDI selenium
  • 21% of the RDI of vitamin B12
  • 15% of the RDI for iron
  • 12% of the RDI for phosphorus
  • 11% of the RDI for niacin
  • 9% of the RDI for zinc
  • 7% of the RDI for magnesium

Shrimp also contains iodine that helps to maintain thyroid function and to prevent thyroid diseases. It also helps to support your brain health.

What is the Benefit of Eating Shrimp?

Eating shrimp is healthy, and whether or not you choose to eat the tail or remove it, it’s still nutritious. Shrimps are high in protein and low in calories, making them an ideal choice for your weight loss journey. They contain omega-3 fatty acids and can keep you full for longer to maintain your weight and prevent you from unhealthy eating habits.

What are the health benefits of shrimp? Shrimp is a good source of nutrients and vitamins. They contain proteins that help in weight loss. Vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids help maintain a healthy heart, flawless skin, and brain functioning, while zinc helps boost your immune system.

The contents of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids from shrimp meals protect you against heart disease risks. You should therefore ensure to grab some shrimp regularly to promote your heart health. Studies have also shown that B vitamins and omega-3 help brain development in children and help you have a healthy brain.

The zinc contents in shrimps also help to boost your immune system. Shrimp tails also contain carotenoid that is an antioxidant that protects against damages from free radicals and keeps your cells healthy.

Including shrimps in your diet can help improve your skin. They contain antioxidants and selenium that will protect your skin from UV rays that could cause sunburns, wrinkles, and, in severe cases, cancer.Omega-3 fatty acids will help keep your skin from dryness, and the presence of collagen will help give you flawless skin.

How Do You Select Quality Shrimps?

Shrimps are sensitive and can get contaminated with parasites and bacteria that will make them unsafe to consume. For this reason, it’s good to ensure that you purchase your shrimp from a reputable supplier that will supply you with quality shrimps. 

Avoid buying shrimps that have black spots on the shells as they may already be spoilt. When preparing, wash your shrimp from running water, place on a paper towel to dry the excess water, and then cook. You can boil, grill, or even deep fry. 

You should also ensure that your shrimps are well cooked. Undercooked shrimps can give you food poisoning. You can also store your raw shrimps in the fridge for 1-2 days to keep them fresh for cooking.

Final Thoughts

  • Shrimps are small decapods crustaceans with elongated bodies. They have tiny and fragile legs that they use for perching. You’re likely to find shrimps in the shallow and deep-sea and also freshwater. It’s safe to eat a shrimp tail as it is nutritious and healthy.
  • Shrimp tails are not bad for you. The shells are rich in nutrients and protein that is good for you. However, shrimp tails can be harmful to some people. They can cause allergy, which can be severe and require medical attention. Undercooked shrimps also contain parasites and bacteria.
  • Shrimps are low in calories, high in protein and rich in nutrients and minerals. They contain selenium, chorine, zinc, and vitamin B12 that makes them an excellent food to add to your diet. Shrimps are also rich in iodine that protects you from thyroid disease.
  • Including shrimp tails in your diet will benefit your body. They contain nutrients and minerals that will boost your immune system, Vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids will help you maintain a healthy heart and flawless skin and promote your brain functioning.
  • It’s not hard to select quality shrimps. Ensure that you buy from a reputable supplier to avoid shrimps that are contaminated. When choosing, avoid the ones with black spots as they are already spoilt. Wash to remove dirt and germs, dry on a paper towel, and proceed to cook. 
  • Shrimps are healthy. Whether you remove the shell or not, they contain minerals and nutrients that are good for you.