A manufactured plant based milk with a slightly nutty savor; almond milk is full-bodied in its texture and flavor. Almond milk is often produced and sold commercially, but can especially be homemade using ground almonds. Commercial variants of almond milk may contain preservatives, flavorings or additional ingredients to improve its shelf life or nutrient content.
Although this milk may pose concerns about its safety to some people as it is processed, almond milk boasts a generous amount of the anti oxidant vitamin e, containing almost a 110% daily value of it. It is dairy-free, therefore lactose free, and hence perfect for people with dairy allergy or lactose intolerance. However, people who are allergic to tree nuts, should totally avoid it.
Almond milk is also a great additional to a healthy diet. Low in calories, unsweetened almond milk contains about 30 calories per cup, making it 80% lower in calories than cow milk. Some people consider it an effective diet or weight loss tactic to replace regular cow milk with almond milk.
A worry for some first timers with almond milk is usually its fitness to heat up and the appropriate heating process. Actually, you can apply the same method of heating cow milk to heat up almond milk, with the most obvious heating method being boiling.
Asides boiling, can you microwave almond milk? Yes, you can microwave almond milk quite safely. With the microwave heat reduced, warm up your almond milk in the microwave at 30-second intervals.
What to Know About Microwaving Almond Milk
The process of heating the milk is not especially tedious, and requires little to know cooking skill. Yet, it is important to know some things before doing it.
It is important the milk be in a loosely covered microwave friendly container and stirred at each thirty-second interval. This prevents the milk from overheating or scorching from the microwave heat, it is also a certain way for even heat distribution.
Since, almond milk is unsuitable for babies; there might be no need to worry about it being too hot to be harmful to them. Although in cases where it may be too hot an ingredient for specific recipes, the best would be to give it a few seconds to sit, in order for it to be perfectly warm.
In the end, microwaving almond milk is an easy process and therefore nothing to be particularly anxious about; as long as the minor requirements are adhered to. It is easy to heat up your almond milk without hiccups following the step-by-step guide on how to microwave almond milk below
How to Heat Almond Milk in the Microwave
It is important not to allow the almond milk actually boil during this heating process. This is because almond milk burns easily, and this ruins the taste of the milk.
Although, almond milk has a consistency similar to water, it surprisingly thickens when brought slightly under a boil with constant stirring. With that in mind, it is unadvisable to attempt at thickening almond milk through the microwave heating process, even though this process also requires constant stirring of the milk at intervals.
1. If your plan is to use replace the cow milk with almond milk in your baking or cooking recipes, a regular cup-to-cup measurement would be effective. Pour the desired amount of milk in a microwave safe container. This may be ceramic or any plastic expressly labeled “microwave safe”
2. The next step is to find some loose covering lid for your container. This would prevent it from spattering, and the effect of direct heat on the milk. A folded paper towel or safe microwave wax paper.
3. Lower the heat, and heat the microwave up for 30 seconds at a time. Stop at intervals to stir with and utensil consistently. The aim is to warn up the milk slowly, instead of all at once. This would prevent scorching or burning, which may give it a bitter taste.
Alternative Heating Methods
You may be hesitant or skeptical about microwaving your almond milk, or maybe you just do not agree with the idea of using a microwave. There are other methods of heating up your almond milk, all you need is a saucepan or in another case, two boiling pans.
Our first method is to cook your almond milk in a saucepan, on medium to low heat, while stirring at intervals but be careful not to score the milk. It is possible to avoid this, by simply controlling the heat.
Our second method is called the double boiler heating method, involving the use of two boiling pans; one bigger than the other. A boiling pan and a plastic container may are also effective for this method. Transfer the almond milk into the smaller pan, and the place it in the larger pan containing water. Heat up by placing on a burner with the hob set at medium-low heat.
Other Related Questions –
Here are a few related questions that may satisfy your curiosity or provide you with relevant information:
Is Almond Milk Healthy?
Almond milk may be a reliable source of vitamin e but is lacking in protein, fats and other nutrients. Although, ‘healthy’ is relative to some people, as almond milk contains less calories and some people may consider this milk perfect for their health.
Is Almond Milk Okay to Refrigerate Almond Milk?
Yes, almond milk should always be stored in a tightly sealed container or bottle and placed in a refrigerator. It is important to keep almond milk refrigerated at all times.
How Long Can Almond Milk Sit Out?
Almond milk has a seven to ten day shelf life once opened. It can only sit out for a maximum two hours, especially homemade almond milk. Otherwise, you must refrigerate it when not in use.