Can You Microwave Tupperware Plastic Products?

Can You Microwave Tupperware Plastic Products?

Tupperware Corporation, established in 1946, is one of the big players in the household products market. Tupperware is well-known for their plastic containers which are designed to hold food for both preparation and preservation.

Their much-loved products include: Super Cereal Storer, Portable Cutlery Sets, Reheatable Luncheon Plates, Jumbo Bread Server, Smooth Start Set, Coffee Station, Breakfast Set, Freezer Mates PLUS Simple Set, and lots more. 

Tupperware is a company that is set on providing the best and safest products for their customers. Their various plasticware combine the latest innovations to make sure that consumers enjoy the best quality there is while also being safe when using their products. The company’s confidence in its products is backed by several years of product testing, research, and accumulated experience.            

You may have used some of Tupperware’s plastics in the microwave before – or maybe you’ve been hearing about their microwaveable products, and now you’re wondering: can you microwave Tupperware plastic products? Yes, you can microwave Tupperware plastic products. However, not all Tupperware plastic products are microwave-safe. The ones which are microwave-safe have a clear symbol printed on them to indicate that they’re made for microwaving. Tupperware’s microwave-safe plastics are specially designed to withstand the temperature levels of a microwave.

What to Know about Microwaving Tupperware Plastic Products

Before you place any random Tupperware products in the microwave, there are a couple of things you should be aware of. Although the company has a solid amount of microwaveable plastics, not all their plastics are safe to use in the microwave. In addition to plastics that aren’t microwave-safe, there are also certain foods that shouldn’t be microwaved. 

Meals that have lots of sugar or fat tend to attain very high temperatures when exposed to the microwave’s heat. These high temperatures which such foods attain can destroy the integrity of Tupperware plastics. 

According to the Tupperware Company, it is not advisable to heat meals in the microwave for over 3 minutes when the microwave’s temperature setting is on medium. Any food item that requires over 3 minutes of microwaving will need to be heated at intervals. After the first 3 minutes of microwaving have lapsed, remove the plastic Tupperware with the food, take off its cover, and stir with a spoon. Once that is done, place the food back in the microwave and heat for about 1 -2 minutes.

Why Trust Tupperware? 

Rigorous Global Quality Standards

One of the things you should know about Tupperware is that they use the highest quality standards in the production of their globally distributed products. The manufacturing process used by the company involves various stages that ensure high quality is delivered at every point of production. Tupperware performs their quality tests equally at various locations of the world. 

Accelerated Usage Testing

Because Tupperware wants to offer the best experience to their consumers, they make use of accelerated usage testing to ensure all their products meet required standards. The accelerated usage testing involves extensive studying and detailed testing to determine the ability of Tupperware products to withstand microwave conditions. 

Tupperware Microwave Safe Symbol – What does it mean?

Tupperware is one of many manufacturing companies that utilize the numerous plastic materials available to man. There are some safety issues that these companies consider before concluding that a plastic product is microwave-safe. One of the major issues is whether the plastic’s solid form will get compromised and be melted when exposed to microwave heating. The other safety issue is whether dangerous chemicals from the plastic will contaminate food items when being microwaved.      

To know which Tupperware plastic is microwave-safe, the company has printed symbols on the bottom of their products to help consumers know which ones should go in the microwave. The symbol, which is easily identified, is made up of 3 wave-like lines arranged horizontally above each other. 

Related Questions:

Because of how much people care for their health and safety, here are some of the common questions that are asked regarding microwaveable Tupperware.  

Is Microwaving Tupperware Safe?

Yes, microwaving some Tupperware plastics is safe. Based on the company’s guidelines, not all the Tupperware products I’ve used are microwave-safe. This means that you must always pay attention to the microwave-safe symbol printed at the bottom of some of their products – if the symbol is missing, do not microwave the plastic. 

Personally, I have made use of a good number of Tupperware plastics for food storage and preparation – I simply confirm whether they have the microwave-safe symbol or not before heating them in the microwave. 

Can You Microwave Tupperware with the Lid On?

Yes, you can microwave Tupperware with the lid on. Tupperware plastics meant for microwaving come with ventilated covers/lids. Make sure that the vent isn’t blocked when you’re microwaving the plastic with its lid sealed off. 

The purpose of ventilating lids is to avoid overheating due to accumulation of steam within the plastic container. If steam is allowed to build up within a completely sealed container, you risk getting burned by a rapid escape of steam from within the container once it’s opened.   


Thanks to companies like Tupperware, we have quality plastic containers that can be used to safely microwave our food. Although not all Tupperware plastics are microwave-safe, the ones which are microwave-safe can be depended on for quality heating results. It is important for you to also follow the safety guidelines given by the company to ensure consumers don’t get hurt. 

Before putting any of your Tupperware plastic in the microwave, make sure you check to see if it has the microwave-safe symbol. Any product without that symbol should not be microwaved. Additionally, all foods high in sugar and fats shouldn’t be microwaved either – they’ll ruin the quality of Tupperware plastics.  

You should also know that there are other microwave-safe alternatives to Tupperware plastic. You can make further inquiries at your store. Make sure that any microwave-safe product you’re using has ventilated lids to help reduce the dangerous build-up of steam – it is no fun getting burned by hot water vapor.