Does Coconut Milk Go Bad? – Full Analysis

Does Coconut Milk Go Bad? – Full Analysis

Coconut milk is a thick and creamy texture that comes from the fruit of a coconut tree. In the last few years, coconut milk’s popularity has exploded, and it is in more households than ever before. Another great feature of coconut milk is how long it can last before going bad.

Does coconut milk go bad? Yes, coconut milk does go bad, and it goes bad quickly once its can or box is opened. A container of coconut milk can last 2-5 years in the pantry as long as there are no major changes in temperature. Once a container of coconut milk is opened, it will only last ten days. Freshly made coconut milk will only last five days, and it must be stored in the refrigerator.

How Long Does Coconut Milk Last?

Fresh: Freshly-made coconut milk only lasts in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days. Even if it is stored in a container that keeps out all air, freshly made coconut milk is not a substance that can last a long time. Unless you want the fresh taste of coconut milk, it would be better to buy it from the grocery store.

Canned or boxed: As long as it has the right preservatives, coconut milk has a very long shelf life. It has a longer life than other canned foods. The average shelf life for a well stored can or box of coconut milk is two years, but it can last up to five years.

An open can or box: Once a can or box of coconut milk is open, it must be used within 7 to 10 days. So anytime you think of opening a can of coconut milk, be sure you’ll have enough recipes to use a can within ten days. Coconut milk has to be stored in the refrigerator after it is opened. If you cannot keep it cold or don’t have access to a refrigerator, it must be eaten within 24 hours.

How Long Does Coconut Milk Last? Shelf Life [Chart]

Item Length of time
Coconut milk, pantry 2-5 years
Coconut milk, opened 7-10 days
Freshly made coconut milk 5 days

How to Know if Coconut Milk has Gone Bad?

There are three major signs to watch out for in order to know if coconut milk has gone bad. If these signs appear when you open up a can of coconut milk or when you reach into your fridge and retrieve your freshly made coconut milk, then do not eat it or cook with it. There is a chance you will develop food poisoning and have extreme nausea and diarrhea.

Mold: Because of the high-fat content and the small amount of sugar in coconut milk, it can develop mold quickly. The molar usually looks like small green circles that float on top of the liquid. If the coconut milk is in the fridge, you might see small chunks of mold at the bottom of the container.

Chunkiness: When coconut milk turns rancid and starts to rot, it will slowly thicken and form small chunky white pieces. The chunky texture will be completely different from the solidified coconut milk that you usually see in a can.

Smell and taste: If you do not see any mold in an old can or box of coconut milk, and there is no strange coagulation happening, you have to rely on the smell and taste test. Coconut milk should only smell like coconut. It should never smell like anything else. Coconut does have a very strong smell, so if you smell a vinegar-like smell or the milk has a bite to it, then it has gone bad, and you cannot use it.

Does a Grainy Texture Mean Coconut Milk is Bad?

No, if you see a grainy texture when you open up your coconut milk, it is perfectly fine. Graininess should not be confused with chunkiness and coagulation. You’ll see graininess in coconut milk when you purchase a low-fat or no-fat version, but not very often when you purchase high-fat whole coconut milk.

How to Store Coconut Milk

People love coconut milk for its creaminess and texture. Plus, it is a great way to add high-fat milk that is not a cow or soy milk. But it is expensive, especially compared to other types of milk. So if you have a can or a box of coconut milk, it is a good idea to learn how to store it, so it lasts for a long time.

Can or boxed: Before you buy canned or boxed coconut milk from the grocery store, look over the container and check if it has any dents, holes or if someone has already opened it. These factors will destroy its shelf life, and your coconut milk will end up rotting sooner than you expected. If there are no dents or holes, then coconut milk can be stored in the cupboard or the pantry. 

Coconut milk will last a very long time as long as bugs do not chew through its container or are not subject to high-temperature fluctuations. So if the inside of your cupboard or pantry sometimes feels hot during the summer months, then you might want to insulate it better to preserve the shelf life of all your food.

Fresh: For those who are culinary connoisseurs, they may want to take on the monumental task of creating their own freshly made coconut milk. But this might not be such a good idea because freshly made coconut milk does not last a long time. Because of coconut milk’s high-fat content, it is not good to store it in the freezer because the texture of the milk’s creaminess will be ruined. So it can only be kept in the fridge.


  • Coconut milk is an extremely popular milk substitute and is also found in many Asian dishes.
  • Freshly made coconut milk must be stored in the fridge in an airtight container.
  • An unopened can or box of coconut milk 10 Be stored in a pantry or cupboard. But it cannot be placed in an area with high-temperature fluctuations.
  • In a pantry or cupboard, coconut milk can last on average from two to five years. 
  • Once it is open, coconut milk must be consumed within 7 to 10 days, and it must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Freshly made coconut milk has to stay in the refrigerator, and it will expire in 5 days.
  • When coconut goes bad, it is common to see mold floating on top of the liquid or at the bottom of the container.
  • Coconut milk should only taste coconutty, and if it smells or tastes vinegary, then it is bad.
  • The grainy texture does not mean coconut milk is bad. It is to see in low fat to no fat coconut milk.
  • Another sign that coconut milk has gone bad is a chunky texture.