How many foods can you think of that have seven letters? Turns out there are more than you’d think! In this article, we will present you with fifteen seven-letter foods, along with a description of health benefits and how they are used.
The List: 15 Seven-Letter Foods
1. Anchovy
Anchovies are a good source of protein. They are in a group called bluefish, which include sardines, herring, tuna, mackerel, swordfish and longline. They are smaller than sardines — about 5 inches long. Anchovies are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fat).
They are particularly good for your heart, slowing atherosclerosis, which is hardening of the arteries. They have also been shown to reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of stroke by reducing blood clots.
Anchovies have about 250 calories per 100 grams. Each fillet provides only about eight calories.
Anchovies have a strong flavor. They contain 12% of healthy fats with hardly any carbohydrates and are a source of iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins A and B.
As with all the bluefish group, anchovies have a lot of protein and are good for muscle development. They are highly recommended during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy due to the greater need for protein intake in these periods. Pregnant women also include them in their diet because they have a high folic acid content.
Anchovies have a strong flavor. Santoña anchovies, also known as Cantabrian anchovies, are the best. They are fished in the spring, and have a special canning process. These anchovies are very tasty and meaty, with no metallic taste from the tins.
Anchovies are popular on toast, as a snack on their own, or as a pizza topping. They can also be used in pasta and in salads. They bring a piquancy to sauces too.
2. Avocado
An avocado is the fruit of an avocado tree, which is a large tree that grows up to 60 feet tall. They are grown in warm, sub-tropical climates all around the world, but the main producers are Mexico and the Dominican Republic. There are different varieties of avocado. In the main they have a thick green skin, a creamy interior, and a large seed in the center.
An avocado is a unique fruit, because it contains a lot of healthy fat. It’s therefore very popular with vegetarians or vegans. It can aid weight loss, as it is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. It keeps you full for longer, and you will eat less, so it’s also a favorite with those who want to lose weight.
This fruit is high in potassium and folate, and vitamins K, B6, B5, B9, C, and E. It has more potassium than bananas.
Avocados contain a lot of antioxidant properties, and also increase antioxidant absorption from other foods.
Health benefits are lower cholesterol, healthier hearts, better digestion, and lower blood pressure. Having this fruit in your diet has also been shown to reduce eyesight problems connected to aging.
Avocados are a popular choice when mashed and spread on toast. They are also the main ingredient in guacamole, a delicious dip. You can eat them on their own, or add them to salads. Toss in lemon to keep them from going brown.
3. Brisket
Brisket is a beef product. It’s a cut of meat from the forequarter of the animal in the lower chest area. It’s the meat that is used in corned beef or pastrami.
Brisket first became popular in the state of Texas (USA). By the late 1800s, brisket was one of the cheapest cuts available in Texas, which was the largest beef-producing state in the country.
Brisket is a tough cut of meat because there is a lot of connective tissue (collagen). It’s best if cooked slowly, so the connective tissue can break down and gelatinize into a rich, tender meat. Sear it to seal in the flavors, then braise it until it is tender and juicy.
It tastes better after the flavors have developed, and the fat that seeps into the liquid used in the braising process keeps it tender.
This is a large cut of meat, but you can opt for a smaller cut. The flat cut is has fat on the top, but less inside the meat. The point cut contains more fat than the flat cut, and is thought by some to be more tasty.
Nutritional benefits of brisket include protein to build muscles, bones, cartilage and skin as a starter. Our bodies also need protein for a host of other reasons. It’s an essential nutrient. It’s also high in vitamin including vitamin B12, vitamin B6, riboflavin and niacin which help with energy, and maintaining healthy cells.
It is high in the minerals zinc, iron, phosphorus and selenium. It also helps with the body’s ability to absorb iron from plants.
If you really want to get into brisket, try smoked brisket for barbecue perfection.
4. Brownie
A brownie is a typical US dessert. The name due to its color since it’s brown. (A vanilla version also exists, and it’s known as blondie). The brownie is a sweet and chewy chocolate square, and has been exported with great success all around the world.
Unlike a cake mixture, brownies contain more sugar which produces a crunchy top. The inside should be slightly chewy.
Health benefits of a brownie are perhaps a little more difficult to buy into! However, good quality brownies will use chocolate with a high cocoa concentration which can lift low moods, provide antioxidants, and be an anti-inflammatory.
Brownies are traditionally served warm, with ice cream, cream or other accompaniments.
5. Cassava
Cassava or Yucca is a tuber — a delicious and inexpensive food. It is the primary food staple for over 800 million people worldwide. Along with rice and maize, it is an important source of calories in many cultures. Income from cassava farming is a major source of income for some of the poorest farmers in the world.
It is consumed in its original form and cooked or baked like a potato. Tapioca is a cassava derivative, and cassava flour can also be used for baking. Be sure to remove the skin of the cassava root before cooking it, as this can contain toxins.
There are several reasons to eat cassava: here are five of them.
- Cassava is gluten-free, making it ideal for people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance (non-celiac).
- It has a very high fiber and carbohydrate content, so if you exercise a lot, it will provide the energy you need.
- It is rich in B vitamins, which help and protect the metabolism.
- Cassava leaves that are cooked or dried can contain up to 25% protein.
- It can help in a weight loss program, as long as it is consumed in moderate amounts.
There are many fascinating folklore stories about cassava, reflecting its nutritional importance in many countries.
6. Gelatin
Not for vegetarians or vegans, gelatin is a colorless semi-solid product derived from meat. It can also be made from fish. It is made with animal cartilage and bones, and contains substances such as keratin and collagen.
It can help maintain healthy joints and prevent cartilage degeneration. Consuming gelatin can help reduce inflammation in your joints, so say goodbye to pain!
This food contains an amino acid called glycine, which stimulates hydrochloric acid in the stomach, to aid digestion and the assimilation of nutrients. It also reduces the secretion of gastric acid and increases the utilization of proteins in the body.
Consuming gelatin can increase the skin’s elasticity thanks to its collagen content of 30%. It is a great option to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. There is no better way to have beautiful skin!
You can incorporate gelatin in your diet by adding it to sauces, casseroles and broths. It can also be added to sweet sauces. And of course, the most well-known way to use it is in jellies and ice cream.
7. Halibut
Halibut is a large white-fleshed flatfish. Its habitat is in the cold waters of the Atlantic, the North Sea, and the Barents Sea. It feeds on all types of fish, crustaceans, and squid. Unlike other fish, it does not have a catching season and is available all year round.
This is a very tasty, meaty fish. Halibut fillets don’t have bones, and so it is popular with people who don’t enjoy picking fish off bony skeletons.
Halibut is a fish packed with nutrients. It contains potassium and phosphorus, and vitamins B3, B6, B9, and E. It also has a high amount of selenium, which helps repair damaged cells and reduce inflammatory conditions. Selenium also helps keep the thyroid healthy.
Halibut can be pan seared, baked, or grilled. It can dry quickly when cooking, so it is best cooked with stock or wine to keep it moist.
8. Kumquat
A Kumquat looks a bit like an orange. It is about the size of a large olive, round or oblong in shape. It tastes similar to an orange but is sharp and zesty. The peel is the sweetest part of the fruit.
Kumquat stands out because of it has a high vitamin C content, especially when eaten with the peel. It makes great marmalade and pickle, and adds a good flavor to meat dishes. It can also be candied and consumed as a sweet, or added to a cocktail.
Some other nutritional benefits:
- Rich in fiber.
- Rich in antioxidants.
- Contains vitamin A, calcium, manganese.
- Also has smaller amounts of B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc.
Kumquats can boost your immune system, help fight infection, and may help with weight management, healthier blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels.
9. Lettuce
How many varieties of lettuce are there? Well, opinion differs. Certainly there are a good few, with many varieties of shape, color, and texture.
Leaf, or loose-leaf, lettuce is loose and doesn’t form a head. A crisphead lettuce, like an iceberg lettuce, is a tight, round vegetable. Then there are the long varieties, such as cos or romaine, and the varieties that come under the butterhead group, which are usually small, loose-head types with tender leaves and a delicate sweet flavor. Stem lettuce, also called celery lettuce, asparagus lettuce, or Chinese lettuce, is grown for its thick stem or its leaves.
You can also consider lettuce from the point of view of color. There are light green lettuces, deeper green, purple, or red varieties. Some have a range of colors, starting dark on the outside, with a pale green interior.
Many people think that there isn’t much nutritional value in a lettuce, but in fact it is a good source of fiber, iron, folate and vitamin C. A lettuce is anti-inflammatory, lowers cholesterol and protects against diabetes.
Lettuce is the main ingredient in most salads, and brings flavor and color to any dish. But it is also used in cooking, as with any green vegetable. You can use it in a stir-fry, or a lettuce and bean stew, or bake fish and meat in it. There are as many uses for lettuce as there are varieties.
10. Mussels
Mussels are very popular in seafood restaurants around the world. In addition, they have a lot of nutritional properties that make them authentic gastronomic treasures.
They are a low-calorie and nutritious food.
Mussels contain a number of vitamins: vitamin A, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), vitamin C, D, E, and K. They also have anti-inflammatory properties due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids. They are said to contain more omega-3 fatty acids than any other seafood.
They also have a high amino acid and mineral content, and contain calcium, sodium, iodine, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and selenium.
Mussels are often served in a big bowl, and come in a tasty broth. It is acceptable to use your fingers to pick them up and suck the meat out of the shell. Alternatively hold a mussel and use a fork, or an empty mussel shell, to remove the meat. Delicious!
11. Noodles
There are a wide variety of noodles, and each differs in nutritional value.
There are white flour noodles, buckwheat noodles, seaweed noodles, egg noodles, and rice noodles, to name but a few. You could spend a year learning about all the different kinds of noodles and their benefits.
Some of the healthiest noodles are rice noodles, sweet potato noodles and soba noodles (buckwheat).
Rice noodles are gluten-free. They contain more protein than most cereals, and provide iron, magnesium phosphorus, and potassium. They are rich in fiber and are low in sodium. They also contain amino acids.
Sweet potato noodles are a staple Korean food, becoming more popular throughout the world because of their chewy texture. They don’t have a strong flavor, so they are generally enhanced by tasty sauces or vegetables. They have about half the amount of carbohydrates of wheat pasta. They contain vitamins A and C, and potassium. They are gluten-free.
Soba noodles are made from buckwheat flour. Wheat flour is sometimes added, so check the packet if you need to be gluten-free. They have a nutty flavor, and can be served hot or cold. The main nutritional benefit of these noodles is rutin, which is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and strengthens blood capillaries.
Generally noodles are a good source of carbohydrates that can contribute to a healthy diet. The main problem comes from how they are cooked, and what sauces or toppings are added. Use herbs for flavor instead of heavy sauces. Cook with unsaturated instead of saturated fats. And add vegetables or lean meat as a healthy bulk-up to your noodle dish.
12. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a nutritionally rich dish, famous mainly for its high vegetable protein and fiber content. It also contains many other nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
The fiber in oatmeal is beta-glucan, which has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in a wide variety of studies. The fiber actually reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the gut.
People have been eating oatmeal on a daily basis for a very long time. It provides energy, lowers blood sugar levels, and keeps the bowel healthy.
The oatmeal is prepared by adding water, milk or cream to the oat flakes and gently cooking, until the mixture is soft and creamy. It’s then ready to eat with a touch of brown sugar, or salt, or maybe both.
Oatmeal is also famously used in flapjacks. It’s also an ingredient in many muffin and cookie recipes, and in granola.
13. Parsnip
The parsnip is from the same family as carrots, celery, cilantro, and parsley. It is used in casseroles, stews, soups, and purée, although it can also be used for medicinal purposes.
Similar in appearance to carrots but with an ivory tone, parsnips are high in nutrients and minerals. They contain phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc. They also contain many vitamins, fiber, and proteins, making it an attractive food to incorporate into your diet.
The medicinal use of parsnips dates back to the ancient Roman Empire, where it was considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Although this is perhaps questionable, there are other benefits that this vegetable can provide:
The fiber in parsnips add bulk to stool and regulates bowel movement, helping to eliminate toxins and reducing indigestion and constipation.
Roasted parsnips, glazed with honey, are a great addition to any roast dinner.
14. Rhubarb
The scientific name for rhubarb is Rheum rhabarbarum. It is a plant that belongs to the Polygonaceae family. It is considered a vegetable, though it is often served as a sweet dessert.
In ancient times, the roots were used to treat stomach ailments, and as a poultice to reduce fever and swelling.
Today the stalks are consumed in sweet soups, jams, sauces, cakes, crumbles, and wine. It is rarely eaten raw because of its sour taste.
Rhubarb is increasingly being referred to as a “superfood” because of its nutritional value. It is low in calories, and has a high fiber content. It is rich in antioxidants — the red color of rhubarb is anthocyanin — and the antioxidant proanthocyanidin. These are anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. They help protect your heart, reduce the risk of diabetes and lower risk of cancer.
Another benefit of rhubarb is its effectiveness in treating constipation.
Rhubarb is often grown in the dark (“forced”) as this makes the stalks sweeter and more tender. Rhubarb leaves are not used as a food as they can be toxic when consumed in large amounts.
15. Saffron
Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice. It is used worldwide to give color and flavor to dishes such as paella. But this spice also contains many compounds with medicinal properties.
It is an antidepressant. A dose of 15 mg twice a day effectively treats mild depression. A study published in Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry considers it as effective as Prozac treatment.
It protects against toxins. Its regular use protects body tissues (especially the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs) against natural or artificial toxic compounds. This is due to the antioxidant capacity of saffron. The flavonoids from it help reduce the damage caused by free radicals generated during oxidation in the body.
Saffron is used mainly to bring color to cooking. It is widely used in Persian cooking, and around the Middle East, to color and flavor rice dishes and stews. It is used in France for a fish stew, bouillabaisse; and Italians use it in risotto dishes.
Saffron is picked by hand from the center of the saffron crocus. There are three stigmas to each flower, and so the harvesting of saffron is very labor-intensive. It takes strands from 150 flowers to make up one gram of saffron.
If you use saffron at home, you should buy it in small quantities. Buy the actual strands, not a powder, and keep it in a cool dark place. You should only need a little to provide flavor and color to your rice dish.