Hot Cereal Brands

If you enjoy eating hot cereal, you may be wondering what hot cereal brands are the best. This is a commonly asked question as there are many different kinds of hot cereal brands, and customers don’t know which ones to choose.

This is a special breakfast food that many people really enjoy eating in the morning or any other time of the day. Though there are many brands to choose from, they are not all made equally, as some offer better quality than others.

These brands also offer different kinds of hot cereal, as there is more than just one kind to enjoy. So it is worth doing a little research before going to the grocery store, so you know what brands to look out for.

Especially when it comes to quality, as a product will only taste as good as the quality is. Keep reading to find out what hot cereal brand is the best and what other brands have great options to choose from.

Which Is the Best Hot Cereal Brand?

If you are a fan of hot cereal, you may be wondering what hot cereal brand is the best. Most customers would agree that Cream of Wheat is the best hot cereal brand out there and is considered to be a top seller in this market.

Cream of Wheat originated over 100 years ago by accident as the byproduct from flour was used to create a porridge. This porridge was so popular that it eventually became what we now know as hot cereal.

Hot Cereal

Cream of Wheat has a wide variety of flavor options that you can choose from depending on what you like. Naturally, this hot cereal has a slightly sweet and malty flavor that most people enjoy.

It is completely unlike any other kind of hot cereal that you may have tried, including oatmeal. It is also very fine textured, so it is the perfect option for people who have difficulty chewing or swallowing, including very young children.

Just about any grocery store that you go to will carry Cream of Wheat, though you may not have access to all of the available flavors. As grocery stores do not carry full lines from most brands.

Cream of Rice

Cream of Rice is very similar to Cream of Wheat and is another branch of the same company. Instead of offering cream of wheat, it offers a product that is cream of rice, which is made quite similarly.

This is a very pale and creamy product that has the same consistency as cream of wheat but a different flavor. The flavor is much milder and definitely has that rice flavor that you would expect to find.

It is the perfect alternative for anyone who enjoys cream of wheat but does not want to be consuming actual wheat. Or for those who prefer something with a mild flavor that is easy to change up with additives.

They should be just as easy to find as Cream of Wheat and will be stocked in the same location.


Quaker is the top brand when it comes to oatmeal and is an obvious addition to this list of hot cereal brands. When it comes to oatmeal, it is definitely the top seller and has continued to be the top seller for a very long time.

Oatmeal is considered to be a hot cereal and is one of the more popular hot cereal options. Quaker offers a wide variety of flavors that you can choose from depending on the kind of oatmeal that you prefer.

It is available in cups, packets, or in large containers to measure out yourself. Most grocery stores will carry a wide variety of Quaker products as it quickly sells out.

This is the best brand to try if you are a fan of oatmeal and want to have more oatmeal variety for your breakfast.


Malt-O-Meal is another hot cereal brand that has been around for a very long time. It was originally created to compete with Cream of Wheat as both products have a similar taste and texture despite being made of different ingredients.

This is a delicious hot cereal option that has a silky texture and a malty flavor that many people would enjoy. It is slightly sweet on its own, but this brand offers different flavors that also have added sweeteners for additional flavor.

It is the perfect option for those who have difficulty chewing or swallowing as well as young children who need finer hot cereal options. This is a brand that should be easily accessible to most people as the majority of grocery stores carry it.

Bob’s Red Mill

If you are looking for a lot of variety in your hot cereal brand, Bob’s Red Mill is the brand to try out. This is one of the most trustworthy and high-quality hot cereal brands out there that customers regularly reach for.

This brand offers a wide variety of flowers, graves, and baking ingredients as well as hot cereals. Of all the brands on this list, Bob’s Red Mill offers the most variety when it comes to hot cereal options.

Instead of offering different flavors of hot cereal, this brand offers completely separate kinds of hot cereal that you can try. This includes mixes of different grains, oatmeal, cream of wheat, and cream of rice options.

Bob’s Red Mill gives you the opportunity to try every kind of hot cereal brand on the market to see which one you prefer the most.

Hodgson Mill

Hodgson Mill is a family-owned grain company that creates a variety of grain-based hot cereals. This brand carries different kinds of hot cereal options so that you do not have to rely on just one kind of hot cereal.

This includes options like whole grain hot cereal, steel-cut oats, and oat bran cereal. Giving you plenty of options when it comes to texture, taste, and nutritional qualities. Giving you plenty of options when it comes to texture, taste, and nutritional qualities.

This is a relatively popular brand that most people are familiar with, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Most grocery stores will carry one to two Hodgson Mill products as well as Whole Foods stores and health food stores.


Highkey is a brand that focuses on creating healthy hot cereal options that are fewer calories and more nutritious. It offers several hot cereal varieties that are entirely grain-free, being made up of different seeds.

This creates a unique-tasting hot cereal that is going to be completely unlike anything else on the market. Giving you a more nutritious and complex hot cereal option to jazz up your breakfast options.

Highkey products are low sugar, keto-friendly, low carb, and entirely gluten-free. Making them perfect for those with food sensitivities, dietary needs, or those who are following specific diets that limit certain ingredients.

The only problem with this brand is that you may have difficulties finding it at your local grocery store. Not every grocery store carries Highkey products, though you may have more luck at health food stores.

Coco Wheats

Coco Wheats is the first flavored hot cereal brand to be launched in the US. Even today, it is still one of the most popular hot cereal options as most are not chocolate flavored, making this a unique option.

The ingredients are very minimal and have very good nutritional qualities despite the chocolatey flavor. Even though this hot cereal may taste like a dessert, it has all the nutritional qualities of a good hearty breakfast.

Making it the perfect option for those who enjoy sweet breakfasts or for children who may struggle to eat a good meal in the morning. The only problem is that Coco Wheats is an older brand and may not be carried by all grocery store chains.

You may have to search around a bit before you are able to find this brand in a grocery store near you. This is due to the fact that some older brands of food tend to fall out of popularity, resulting in grocery stores not carrying them anymore.

What Hot Cereal Brand Is the Best?

If you enjoy eating hot cereal in the morning, you may be wondering what hot cereal brand is the best. The top-selling hot cereal brand in the US is Cream of Wheat, which is a highly popular option amongst customers.

Cream of Wheat is created from wheat, creating a smooth textured, and flavorful hot cereal that many people enjoy. This brand also offers a wide variety of flavor options to spice up your morning meal.

Aside from Cream of Wheat, you have many other hot cereal brands to choose from. This includes brands like Quaker, Cream of Rice, Highkey, Cocoa Wheats, and Bob’s Red Mill.

There are many delicious hot cereal brands to choose from, all having their own flavor and blend of ingredients. Some brands offer more varieties of hot cereal or more flavor options to choose from.

Overall, hot cereal is a great breakfast option to have as it is oftentimes more nutritious and provides a heartier start to the day.