How Long Do Artichokes Last in the Fridge?

How Long Do Artichokes Last in the Fridge?

Are you considering adding artichokes to your meal in order to give it that fantastic taste that artichokes offer? Perhaps you are planning to purchase artichokes in bulk with the purpose of skipping the stress of going to the store every time you need them.

But how long can you store artichokes, and where is the best location to preserve artichokes?

How long do artichokes last in the fridge? With ideal storage, artichokes can last for about 5 to 7 days in the fridge before going bad. Usually, storing artichokes after they are cooked will allow them to last longer in the fridge than keeping them raw.

Before purchase, the condition of the artichoke plays a very important role in preservation. Temperature, condition, and “best-by” dates are factors that determine how long artichokes will last in their storage locations.

If you want to store your artichokes at room temperature, you might want to consider keeping them in a dark place away from direct sunlight. This way, they may last for approximately 3 to 4 days, while they can last for about a week when stored in the fridge.

How to Tell if Artichokes Have Gone Bad

Artichokes are delicate and have a short lifespan; however, the lifespan of an artichoke can be extended if handled properly.

If you have stored your artichokes for a while and are doubtful about their edibility, there are some notable attributes that you can look for to detect if the artichoke is edible or not.

Loose Leaves or Open Holes in the Center of the Artichoke

Tight and compacted leaves characterize artichokes. The center of artichoke is normally closed. So, if you notice loose leaves or a hole at the center of an artichoke, that may be an indication that the artichoke is bad.

Split or Shriveled Leaves at the Tip

Like most plants, when artichokes are kept for a period of time, they will naturally start to dry out. However, while some plants are best consumed when they are dry, artichokes are best consumed when they are fresh.

Over the years, experts have discovered ways and strategies to ensure adequate preservation of artichokes, but with time, artichokes will still spoil.  

If you notice that the leaves of an artichoke are shriveled, it is a common sign which could indicate that the artichoke has gone bad and is drying out.

When the Artichoke Feels Light

Artichokes are usually heavy depending on their various sizes, and normally, they are moist in nature. As artichokes go bad, they start to dry off and lose weight. This is a common sign for cooked, oiled, and raw artichokes and is a good indication that the artichoke is bad.

However, an artichoke drying goes through different stages, but it indicates severe damage when an artichoke is very light.

When the Artichoke Feels Spongy When Squeezed

Artichokes are supposed to feel moist when squeezed. Although, when an artichoke is squeezed, the leaves of an artichoke should squeak a little while when they are dried; they will feel spongy when squeezed.

When you notice that an artichoke is getting spongy when squeezed, it may be an indication that the artichoke has gone bad.

Severe Discoloration of the Artichoke

It is natural for an artichoke to lose its pigmentation slightly. Artichokes lose color when they contact air, but this does not necessarily mean they are no longer edible or bad. However, when this symptom gets severe, it could indicate that the artichoke has gone bad.

So, if you notice discoloration, it is highly recommended that you opt for a reservation method to protect your artichoke from going bad.

How to Store Artichokes in the Fridge to Last Longer

The lifespan of an artichoke can be increased by storing them in a fridge. However, raw artichokes can be a little bit challenging when you try to keep them in the fridge, as their lifespan can only be slightly increased by this storage method.

However, you can keep your artichokes in the fridge by putting them in a plastic bag or other storage containers. A good trick is to sprinkle a little water on the artichokes to help maintain a moist environment for adequate preservation, while storing in the fridge.

Also, artichokes can be stored in lemon ice and preserved in the fridge until they are used.

Before putting your artichokes in the fridge or freezer, you might consider the following:

Remove the Choke and Outer Leaves

While preparing the artichoke for storage, it is important that you remove the choke and the outer leaves. This will help facilitate adequate storage and promote a longer lifespan.

Wash the Artichoke in Cold Water

As you prepare the reservation process, it is vital that you wash the artichoke to remove debris and dirt, as this dirt can facilitate the growth of mold. However, it is best to use cold water to wash the artichoke since vegetables are delicate and warm water can reduce its lifespan.

Blanch the Artichoke

Blanching the artichoke is an excellent way to preserve the artichoke. This is done by applying lemon juice and ascorbic acid to the artichoke. After which, you take out the artichoke and dry it with a paper towel.

This process helps prevent discoloration of the artichoke during preservation. 

Final Thoughts

When you purchase artichokes from the store, be sure to look at the artichoke’s physical appearance and know the best-by date. An artichoke’s lifespan depends on your preservation method.

However, if you intend to keep your artichoke outside the fridge, you should keep it away from direct sunlight. For most cases, the cold temperature from the fridge and freezer are perfect environments for an artichoke to help increase its lifespan.