Is Mango a Citrus Fruit?

Is Mango a Citrus Fruit?

Similar to citruses, mangoes are tropical (i.e., they grow in warm climates). However, the distinction between both comes from their biological classification. Mangoes belong to the Anacardiaceae plant family, while citruses belong to the Rutaceae plant family.

Anacardiaceae plants sometimes have fruits that are called drupes or stone fruits. Drupe plants are cultivated for their fruits, which are typically very tasty. They have their seeds in a stony shell, otherwise known as a pit. Examples of drupes are mangoes, peaches, cherries, dates, almonds, and plums. 

Is mango a citrus fruit? A mango is not a citrus fruit. Citrus fruits are named after citric acid, which they contain a lot of. Mangoes, on the other hand, are classified as drupes or stone fruits.

Mangoes are native to the southern part of Asia but can be grown in both tropical and subtropical regions.

What is Considered a Citrus Fruit?

A citrus fruit is a fruit that’s rich in citric acid. They are also known as agrumes, a Latin word that roughly translates to sour fruits. They are tropical fruits originating in southeast Asia but can be grown in most parts of the world.

Citruses are typically juicy and are a good source of vitamin C. They have a characteristic sharp flavor and small seeds. Citruses also tend to have a lot of juice in them as opposed to a mango, which is fleshy. Examples of citruses are oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, pomelos, etc.

Is it Okay to Eat a Mango Every Day?

Yes. You can eat a mango every day. Apart from being delicious, mangoes are also highly nutritious. They are a great source of Vitamin A and C, which are essential for the body.

Although they are very nutritious, they are also low in fiber. That means you can’t eat a lot of them as you’ll be getting way too much sugar. Although the sugar in mangoes is fruit sugar and healthier than refined sugar, it can still be problematic for people that are diabetic or have a similar condition.

Mangoes should be eaten in moderation with a limit of at most two cups (330 grams) per day. Taking too many mangoes can lead to diarrhea as they are high in fiber. High-fiber fruits can cause diarrhea when eaten in excess.

Some people can also be allergic to certain parts of a mango. For instance, urushiol is a compound in mango that certain people are allergic to. When such people come in contact with mangoes, they can experience blistering on their skin or dermatitis.

Unripe mangoes can also cause indigestion and should probably be avoided altogether. Mangoes are typically green when unripe and turn yellow when they ripen.

Can You Eat Mango Skin?

Although it is customary to dispose of the mango skin before eating, several schools of thought have proposed eating it alongside the flesh. This is because the mango skin is thought to have some nutritional benefits.

Mango skin is the outermost layer of the mango that turns from green to yellow when the mango ripens. It is typically soft to touch and easily peeled with a knife. It is also packed with several nutrients and has very high antioxidant properties. Some studies have even shown mango skin to be more nutritious than mango flesh. However, it has quite a few challenges.

Mango skin has a thick, leathery texture due to its high fiber content. It can also be bitter to chew. It can also pose health risks to people. Urushiol, the chemical mentioned earlier, is typically found in mango skin and can cause dermatitis in people who eat it or come in contact with it, especially if they are allergic.

Finally, commercial farmers use a lot of pesticides and herbicides on their plants. Those chemicals are typically toxic, and some of the residues from them can end up on the skin of fruits. 

Can you eat mango skin? With mangoes, you can eat the skin, but you’re better off doing so when you know where they are sourced from.

If you buy your mangoes from the shopping mall, your best bet is to peel off the skin before eating. It’s very likely that chemicals have been used in both growing and preserving the mangoes. 

Preferably, you should buy your mangoes from a farmer’s market where you can ask questions about the origins of the fruit. Most small scale farmers use sustainable methods, so you’re more likely to find healthy mangoes with skins you can eat.

Can Mangoes Make You Gain Weight?

In a sense, Mangoes can make you gain weight – as can any other food. However, they are not a food to avoid for people watching their weight. The average mango has ~100 calories. In fact, mangoes are recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Despite being a great source of natural sugar, mangoes do not contain any fat. This means they contain very few calories per serving. If you swap your regular snacks for mangoes, it can help you consume fewer calories per serving and feel full at the same time.

For comparison, the average mango contains 107 calories while a Burger King hamburger contains 265 calories. This can be a big booster for anyone on a weight-loss journey.

Mangoes can only add to your weight when eaten in excess. This includes when you eat them after meals as dessert. The calories only add up, and you’ll have to exercise to burn them off.

Final Thoughts

Fondly referred to as the “king of fruits,” mangoes are one of the world’s most-loved fruits. Here are a couple of things you can take away from this article: 

  • A mango is not a citrus fruit; rather, it is referred to as a drupe or stone fruit because of its seed type.
  • Citrus fruits are fruits that contain high amounts of citric acid. They include oranges, lemon, pomelos, tangerines, lemons, etc.
  • Eating a mango per day is healthy and beneficial to you as it contains some essential nutrients.
  • Mango skin is highly nutritious and can be eaten; however, it is important to confirm if chemicals have been used on the mango before doing so.
  • Mangos can make you gain weight since they contain calories like every other food. However, you’re likely going to have to eat a lot of mangoes to do that.