Apple cider vinegar has a sharp and pungent smell that could be very unpleasant. But, it has been widely used in the kitchen and as a medicinal remedy in homes for centuries.
Apple cider vinegar might have a pretty foul smell, but the properties it possesses can make you waive that smell off. As the name implies, it is made from apples. I bet you are curious to know what seems to be so special about it, I will get to that, but not until you have an idea of what it tastes like.
What does apple cider vinegar taste like? The taste of apple cider vinegar is best described as acidic, tangy, or tart. Although it is slightly sweet, it has a dry and woody aftertaste. Some people have compared the taste to that of apple juice from concentrate, but without the sweetness. Depending on what kinds of apples you use in the preparation of apple cider vinegar, the flavor could differ, and the taste can range from sweet to sour, or even spicy in some cases.
Apple cider has found a lot of use as a medicinal remedy in many households for centuries. It is packed with compounds and nutrients that could be of benefit to the body.
Nutritional Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has been recommended as a remedy for many common ills like sore throats, obesity, and varicose veins. These claims were just tales spread within housewives for centuries. In recent times, research and studies have shown that apple cider vinegar does have real medical benefits. One of them being the ability to help weight loss.
For people trying to lose weight, taking doses of apple cider vinegar in the morning does the trick. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that helps with weight loss by increasing the amount of energy your body can burn off every day. It also slows down digestion so you do not feel the need to eat as much. That is not all that apple cider vinegar is good for.
It is also a natural way to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Normal blood pressure levels are the perfect condition for a healthy heart, so we can say apple cider vinegar promotes heart health. It also kills candida in the body’s mucous membranes and ensures that your digestion goes smoothly leaving you without constipation.
Naturally, apple cider vinegar is an antibiotic and can kill germs. If you accidentally ate spoiled food or have an upset stomach, apple cider vinegar is the perfect remedy for that. It can also help to balance the pH levels in the body and treat skin conditions, asthma, and allergies.
It is also good for the liver because it detoxifies it and cleanses it of the harmful toxins that cause those skin conditions. For people with diabetes, apple cider vinegar can increase their insulin sensitivity by 43 percent and lower blood sugar levels.
Culinary Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar
Now that you know all the benefits that apple cider vinegar could offer your body when you take it, I bet you are wondering how you could slip it into your food. But the unpleasant smell of apple cider vinegar might reduce your enthusiasm for it and put you off.
Apple cider vinegar can at times smell like something that has gone bad, this is not usually the smell, but it means that it is rich in natural vitamins. If you want to mask the unpleasant smell of apple cider vinegar, there are many ways you can go about it.
Apple cider vinegar can be diluted with water or juice, you can also mix it with honey and cinnamon. Adding it to other foods can also mask the taste and flavor. When you mix apple cider vinegar with something else, it is not going to have a taste or flavor that will still be noticeable. But the best way to tackle the acidity in it is to add something sweet like a sweetener or honey.
It is great for use in the kitchen, there are many ways it can be incorporated into recipes and dishes. It can be used as part of the ingredients for marinades; for meat or fish.
Apple cider vinegar can also be used for pickling vegetables or in salad dressings like tzatziki sauce or vinaigrette. The list of ways you can use apple cider vinegar is endless because of its versatility.
What is the Origin of Apple Cider Vinegar? How to Procure It?
Apple cider vinegar is made through the process of fermentation. It is made by cutting apples. You then cover them in water, and leave them at room temperature. The natural sugars in the apples ferment and turn into ethanol, which is in turn converted to acetic acid by bacteria. The main component in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid.
It can come in two forms; unfiltered or filtered. Filtered apple cider vinegar is clear, while unfiltered has cloudy sediment usually at the bottom of the bottle. The sediment is known as the Mother. This cloudy sediment mainly contains acetic acid bacteria.
Apple cider vinegar is easy to procure, you can get it from department stores or grocery stores. You can even get it online.
Why Does Apple Cider Vinegar Have a Sour Smell?
The process of making apple cider vinegar is known as fermentation. Bacteria turn the alcohol from the fermented sugar into acetic acid and that is what gives apple cider vinegar its sour taste and awful smell.
Facts You Don’t Know About Apple Cider Vinegar
- Drinking apple cider vinegar before bed or immediately you wake, can cause indigestion or acid reflux. You need to consult your doctor to see if apple cider vinegar will address any of your health concerns.
- Apple cider vinegar can leave a bad aftertaste in your mouth which sometimes causes nausea.